My Profile
Build your own Personal profile with your Contact, billing and shipping address that makes your shopping quick and easy.
Change Password
Change your password.
Change Email
Change your email address.
Address Book
You can also have your personalized address, which can have all your friends, family, co-workers addresses, which helps you in making multiple shipment at just one click.
Order History / Track
You can have a detailed list of all your previous orders, track an order that has been shipped or duplicate an order.
My Shopping Lists
You can have your favourite items added to other Shopping List(s) Instead of shopping cart and have them scheduled to be delivered on a date or have them repeatedly delivered in a time interval.
Instock Notification
View/Remove the out of stock products for which you will be sent a notification mail, when the product comes instock
Purchase Store Dollars
Store Dollars can be used to make purchases on this site. Clicking on this section will allow you to purchase store dollars
View Credit/Debit History
View the transactions in your store dollar account
Enable/Disable Emails
Enable or disable newsletter and/or other announcements from our company